Is Workers' Compensation Important for Painters?

workers' compensation insurance for painters
Mordechai Kamenetsky
Last Updated: 
May 6, 2024

Workers’ compensation is important for professionals in every field, but especially for people who work as painters. This form of insurance ensures that painters receive financial support and medical care in the event of a workplace injury. It also shows a real commitment to safety in a field where there are lots of risks – from the demands of climbing and staying balanced at heights to chemical exposure.

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Why do Painters need Workers’ Comp Insurance?

To Provide for Employees in case of Injury

Painters need Workers’ Compensation Insurance because if an injury occurs at the workplace, it will cover lost wages and medical expenses. This coverage is essential for maintaining financial stability and ensuring the painter can focus on recovering without stressing over money.

If a major injury occurs, worker’s compensation also provides disability benefits and can help workers access rehabilitation services which are important for regaining function and returning to work.

To Protect the Business from Lawsuits

Workers’ compensation is important since it protects a business from lawsuits. Without this insurance, an injured painter could decide to sue the company for damages. This could lead to huge financial settlements and hefty legal fees.  

Workers’ compensation insurance often includes employer’s liability coverage which protects you in these situations.

To comply with Legal Requirements

In many locations, businesses are required to have workers’ compensation insurance as soon as they have a certain number of employees. That means painters, like other kinds of workers, need to have insurance policies to comply with national or state laws.

What does Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Painters cover?

Workers’ compensation insurance for painters provides a safety net that ensures financial support if a workplace illness or injury occurs. 

This kind of coverage is made to address the specific risks and challenges that painters face regularly, from physical injuries from falls to other kinds of accidents.

Medical Costs

Medical Costs

The insurance policy will cover all medical costs associated with the injury. This includes everything from emergency treatment after an accident to long-term care needs that might come into play from a severe injury. 

Painters can also receive compensation for travel expenses to get to and from medical appointments, costs related to diagnostic tests, medications, and even certain types of therapy.

 If a painter experiences an injury that necessitates ongoing rehabilitation, workers’ comp insurance will also cover those things to ensure the best possible outcome and recovery.

Wage Reimbursement

Wage Reimbursement

As a painter, you rely on your physical abilities to perform the job. If an injury happens, it can seriously hinder a painter’s ability to work and lead to lost wages. 

Workers’ compensation includes wage reimbursement, which is usually some percentage of the painter’s average weekly wage. This kind of financial support is needed to maintain the economic stability of injured workers and their dependents as they move through recovery. 

Death Benefits

Death Benefits

In the worst-case scenario of a fatal workplace accident, workers’ compensation for painters will offer death benefits, including funeral expenses. 

On top of that, it may offer financial help to the spouse or dependents of the deceased worker, which can help alleviate some of the financial issues that may occur during a very challenging time. 

Long-Term Care

Long-Term Care

In some cases, a severe injury might lead to long-term disabilities. For instance, significant burns or loss of limb may necessitate care over the long term. 

Workers’ compensation ensures that painters can get any care they need, even if it’s far down the line. This could include ongoing medical treatment, specialized medical equipment, and other adjustments needed to manage the condition.

By covering all of these areas, workers’ comp insurance for painters goes far beyond complying with legal requirements. It also contributes to the health and happiness of workers by ensuring they have the support and care needed to come back to work or manage their workplace injuries. 

This approach is important for keeping the workforce afloat and ensuring painters can do their jobs effectively.

How much is Workers’ Comp Insurance for Painters?

Now that we’ve discussed what workers comp will cover, let’s talk about the costs.

The cost of workers’ compensation insurance for painters can vary based on many factors, such as the state where the business operates, how risky the painting jobs are, and the size of the payroll. 

As a rough estimate, one leading partner carrier has an average premium of $240 for painters based on an annual salary of $50,000. This does not include taxes and fees which will vary by state

For painters, the environments they work in and the tasks they do, such as exterior vs interior painting, working at heights, or handling hazardous materials, can influence the cost of insurance. Because high-risk tasks like using potent chemicals or working on scaffolding are more likely to be injured, they will usually have higher premiums to offset the risk.

Business owners should consult with insurance agents to get a quote based on their specific business. The agent will get an idea of what type of work they do, the company’s safety record, and state-specific regulations that might impact the premium to get an accurate policy quote.

Tips for Lowering Premium Costs

Wondering how to lower premium costs for a workers’ compensation policy?

Here’s what you can do: 

Provide accurate Information

It is important to provide accurate information to insurance underwriters. This includes detailed descriptions of job roles, payroll information and the full range of what your employees do. 

This is so that they can accurately classify job roles and tasks to ensure that the rates are based on the actual risk levels associated with specific duties, which may drop premium payments.

Implement Workplace Safety Programs

Introducing safety training programs is very useful in industries like painting where workers may be exposed to hazardous materials and dangerous work environments. 

Well-designed safety programs help reduce the chances of accidents and demonstrate that the business can manage risk. This usually helps lower premiums.

Promptly report all Claims and Incidents 

It is important to know how to report an injury to your state and insurance company. Accurate and prompt reporting can streamline the claims process and avoid costly disputes and delays.

Being aware of the reporting requirements ahead of time so you can do it correctly and have a smoother interaction with insurance companies.

Get Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Painters

Painting can be high-risk as a profession and includes hazards like physical strain, elevated workspaces, and chemical exposure. Because of that, it can be hard to get a workers’ comp policy as some insurance companies may not want to cover all these risks.

Kickstand Insurance is here to help you get the coverage you need. Getting insurance through Kickstand is quick and simple. It takes only a few minutes to get started with an online quote

Kickstand Insurance is well-versed in offering insurance for many industries and provides a great deal of expertise for painters. We have a dedicated team ready to help you with the application process and answer any of the questions you might have about workers’ comp for painters.

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Note: The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional legal or insurance advice. Laws and regulations regarding workers' compensation insurance are complex and vary by state and by specific circumstances. Therefore, readers are encouraged to consult with a qualified legal or insurance professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem they might have.

Mordechai Kamenetsky

Mordechai Kamenetsky, co-founder and lead agent of Kickstand, is recognized as an expert in workers' compensation. He is passionate about helping small businesses manage risks and lower their workers' comp costs. In his articles, he educates readers and clients on the intricacies of workers' comp insurance.

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